From the money lenders in the Temple Of Herod
To the avaricious Wall Street breed
There are those who say it’s always been the way
But that aint how it’s got to be

We’ll march together side by side
And onward until we get through
We’ll stake our claim for the common man
And for the many, not the few

So, rip up their stocks, rip up their shares, take down their culture of greed
Fight the rich and not their wars, we’ll make a better world you’ll see

Bring back to the common good, the railways, health and fuel
We’ll take away the PFI and give it back to you
No longer will the corporations rape and rule this land
Free education, homes for all are what we will demand

So, rip up their stocks, rip up their shares, take down their culture of greed
Fight the rich and not their wars, we’ll make a better world you’ll see

[Political Update]

So, rip up their stocks, rip up their shares, take down their culture of greed
Fight the rich and not their wars, we’ll make a better world you’ll see, we’ll make a better world you’ll see, a better life for you and me.

And if you see Sid, tell him……..

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